Feb 17, 2012

2/17/2012 12:06:00 AM
Why isn't when a SCHOOL or UNIVERSITY resurrects their PROGRAM the DUMB SH** has to surface sooner or later. Reportedly Campus POLICE and FORT WORTH Police did a 6 Month Drug Sting on the TCU Campus located in Fort WORTH TEXAS and the FINDINGS were absolutely so mind-bottling they may change their name to DRUGGED FROGS.

Its being reported by numerous NEWS Outlets that at least 4 FOOTBALL PLAYERS were among the 17 arrested in what has to be the WORSE CASE Scenario for a PROGRAM that is fast becoming like Hookem' HORNS and the 12th MAN as far as a NATIONAL FOOTBALL Powerhouse.

One player was even noted as saying when the FOOTBALL Team got cracked with a surprise DRUG TEST that 60 PLAYERS failed the test. The DRUGS involved were GREEN, OH GIRL, ECSTASY, Hyrdrocodone, and XANAX. The LOCATIONS for the DRUG DEALS were reported in news circles were 2 FRATERNITY Houses, one GOLDEN ARCHES, SHELL GAS STATION, a CVS, a KROGER Grocery Store, a 7/11 Store, and 8 reported Off-Campus Locations. What a shame for the TCU Football Team and the UNIVERSITY who stand by these young STUDENT-ATHLETES. There will be a lot more coming out of this one in the next few weeks.

AS for what the NEXT STEP is for the HORNED FRIGS Football program a visit from the NCAA and that will bring about nothing to tell about but BAD NEWS.

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