Without further a due no more analyzing as this is what needs to happen for more than a few teams or its Black "Hump Day" in the Logo...
Top Games:
Game #82 Drama in "Logo Watch":
the Scenarios...
WIN and they are in: NOLA Pelicans/INDIANA Pacers
#8 West NOLA Pelicans as they get the San Antonio Spurs who is trying to seal another Southwest Division Title and the #2 overall seed in the west. The Pelicans win they are in and if they lose with an OKC win the Thunder is in. If both lose or win the Pelicans are in...did you get all of that...lol!
The Indiana Pacers win they are in but they get a #6 in the West Grizzlies Bunch that if they win with a Rockets loss they move to #5 in the West. Pacers lose the Brooklyn Nets get the #8 seed with a win.
SEED Movement:
Clippers at 56-26 are #2 but if the Spurs win and move to 56-26 they will get the #2 slot as they won the tie-breaker. The Clips can be no worse than #3 in the west if Spurs win.
If the Bulls beat the Hawks they would stay in 3rd no matter what the Raptors do. If the Raptors win and the Bulls lose Toronto moves to #3 and Bulls fall to #4.
Rockets and Grizzlies could flip flop...that #5 seed will get Rip City Blazers in round 1...
Who hold the Keys to their current Seed:
Teams that need Help:
NBA Playoffs
» Game #82 DRAMA in "LOGO WATCH"...are you scared...you should be! #GotPlayoffs?
Apr 15, 2015
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