Reportedly through the BLUEDUDE Sources and your probably saying everyone has sources well you better start ready past posts....the BLUEDUDE gets down and is in the know. Anyway the Orlando MAGIC Owner Ri$hie RIC$ DEVOS met with SUPERMAN of MOUSE Town about if he stayed they could get together and maybe handpick a New Head Coach and New General Manager for the MAGIC.
Now because of recent event unfolding in O-Town it looks like that might be the case. But before you blame Head Coach Stan VAN might wan to look really close at the dude responsible for the MAGIC'S present roster...GM...and My MAIN MAN...Otis SMITH.
Who in the Milky Way Galaxy signed off on a $120 Million Contract to Half Quit/Half Wizard Forward Rashard LEWIS? It had to be the two guys in the for cutting the Check and the other saying Yes to cutting the check. That would be Otis SMITH and Owner Ri$ie DEVOS and Famaland.
Now everything starts going South and the so called FRANCHISE Player, who not to long ago was crying about other NBA STAR players getting a hand in making decisions on who Coaches and what players to bring in, wants everyone gone and heck you were out the door two weeks ago yourself DWIGHT.
The MAGIC are a Prime Example of when you make bad decision after bad decision you compound things to a point where someone or some people...PLURAL...have to take the fall hence Otis SMITH and Coach Van Gundy. SUPERMAN of MOUSE Town has guaranteed "Str8t Ca$h Homie" coming and he is important because he is the best CENTER in the NBA...Stan and Otis don't play.
How 'bout GM Smith then trading one bad contract for another and then saying this might work when he should have said I am officially out there and I FU**** Up. Talking the WIZARDS get Shard Lewis for GUNS and BUTTA...Agent ZERO aka HIBACHI...Gil ARENAS...aka the GANGSTER who grew up in the HILLS in LA COUNTY not COMPTON or Long Beach real talk. Gil was trying to be a HEXAGON in a CIRCLE Hole...his Studio Wanna be Gangsta A** and looking at events that have unfolded after that clash in the WIZ locker Room...WIZ Combo G Javaris CRITTENDON wasn't playing.
I tell you this much...look for the MAGIC and Ri$hie Ri$h to get rid of both Coach Van Gundy and GM Smith after the season.
» BLUEDUDE SPORSTALK Front Line...EASTER Weekend Edition...SUPERMAN of MOUSE Town gets a reported DEAL with MAGIC Owner Rich DEVOS and Family....forget the CHIROPRACTOR...BUSTERS have 2 seconds to get to an EXIT...Who is the BUSTER?
Apr 7, 2012
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