Apr 4, 2013

4/04/2013 01:50:00 AM
Say what you ant to and I have said it on many a nights that Teams can't win with Carmelo Anthony. Well if he is playing his alter ego, the Bully of New MSG, then we might have an entirely different story.

Behind 50 points last night in the AA 305...'Melo comes back on back to back Motel Trip through the Southeast and hits the Hawks on the Back End for 40 more points as now the Bully is wanted by the Law. Two Stick Ups and the Bully wants more and more. The Knicks are on a 10-game win streak and it looks like they only way they will come off of that win streak if the Bully is absent. His partner in crime, "Get Shots J.R.", had 19 points as they put together their "Cape Crusaders" Act. Then "Everybody loves Raymond of New MSG" is on Crumb Patrol as he is 3rd in line with 14 points.

The Hawks were in 'Melo's Mug all night and he did damage after damage. Kyle Korver of the Highlight Factory led the Hawks had he did his best "get Shots" J.R. Impersonation with 25 points including Six Money Balls. Hawks PG Jeff Teague also chipped in with 14 points and nine helpers. The Hawks will go nowhere if J-Smoove 5 and Big Al "New Omni" Edition combines for  19 points,  fifteen rebounds, and ten assists. That's a Stat Line for King James or NBA Royalty. They must play bigger than that in order for the Hawks to have any shot on any night.

With the Win the Knicks move back into the #2 seed in the East in front of the Pacers as "Operation Gold Swagger" has also got hot with 5 wins in a row as we go to press.