Jan 2, 2014

1/02/2014 02:37:00 PM
The Chicago Bears wasted no time in putting together a package that current Bears QB Jay "90210" Cutler and his People wouldn't reject and they didn't. Through numerous media outlets the Bears and Cutler have agreed to a 7-years deal through 2020 that would pay "Cut" an annual salary north of $17.6 million and the deal includes some $50 million in guarantees.

The Bears were stuck between a Pigskin and hard market and you can't blame Cutler asking for Market as the 2014 Franchise Tag would've had cost the Bears north of $16.2 million. I think it is a good move on the premise that the Bears can now concentrate and put Duffel Bags of Cash on the Defensive Side of the pig. Every good organization has a Plan going forward and this puts the Bears into a spot where now they can evaluate the Draft and the Cap moving forward knowing the Offense is in a real good place.

This past season Bears Nation and NFL Heads saw it was a combo of the System on Offense and Cutler/McCown Combo but more of the system and Jay fits perfect with his physical ability. If back up QB McCown was younger than Jay the Bears might have done something entirely different but McCown is mid 30s and at least the Bears know they have a more than capable back up QB.

As far as how it is structured that is key also as the Bears I am sure left plenty of Cash to go after a top tier free agent or two.