The Gigantes take a 3-0 Series Lead in the 108th Fall Classic and as they beat the Tigers in Comerica in Game 3...2-0. Behind Ryan Vogelsong's 5 and 2/3 allowing 5 hits, 4 free passes, and striking out 3 then a valiant effort from the Giants Pen the Tigers can't get anything going. Tigers Starter Anibel Sanchez went 7 Innings allowing 2 to cross the Dish, on 6 Hits, 2 Free Pass, and he struck out 8 Giants. The Tigers look like the Team that chased the Pale Hose all Summer 2K12 until the South Siders kinda folded themselves. Blanco and Crawford for the Giants knocked in a run each.
Don't think the Tigers are struggling look at the 2012 AL Triple Crown Winner, Young the 2012 ALCS MVP, and the Prince of the Motor City Fall Classic Averages:

Miggy 3B 2/9 .222 avg 0 HR 1 RBI 1 K
Prince 1B 1/10 .100 avg 0 HR 0 RBI 2 K
Young OF 3/10 .300 avg 0 HR 0 RBI 1 K 1 R
Collectively the Gigantes Starting Staff has neutralized the Tigers Meat of the Order to a Pulp. A Combined .207 avg 0 Bombs, 1 RBI, 4 Strikeouts, and 1 Run. Not blaming the Whole outcome on the Series thus far on the Big Boppers but there is a Reason why the Tigers are plying in the 108th Fall Classic and it isn't solely on the Pitching Staff. Meanwhile Pence, Posey, and Sandoval Numbers for the Fall Classic are:
Pence OF 3/10 .300 avg 0 HR 1 RBI 1 K 2R
Posey C 3/11 .273 avg 0 HR 1 RBI 3 K
Sandoval 3B 7/11 .636 avg 3 HR 4 RBI 3 R
Combined you get .406 avg 3 Bombs, 6 RBI, 4 Strikeouts, and 5 Runs... that's what the Middle of the Line Up should be doing although Sandoval is carrying the Weight.
Game 4 October 28, 2012
8pm ET
SF M. Cain vs DET M. Scherzer
Will the Gigantes be planning the Parade Route on the Charter back to the Bay in the Wee Hours of the Night as the Tigers are scuffling to the Point that if they get swept they may not remember they wee in the World Series it happened so fast. #theGameWillHumbleYouAtAnytime
Note: Numbers from and Combined Calculations from the Bluedude for Bluedude Sportstalk....
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