Back to Bears GM Jerry Angelo his last 1st Round Pick of OT Chris Williams he missed on badly. Williams was recently cut by the Bears and had Back Issues but never panned out. He couldn't even beat out Bears Project Tackle J'Marcus Webb. Williams wasn't the Only Player Bears GM Jerry Angelo missed on check these NFL Dandies in the Cade McNown and Curtis Enis School of Bears Nation Picks:
2002 Marc Columbo Boston College OT always Hurt and was somewhat productive later with Cowboys
2003 Michael Haynes DE El Busto from State College PA
2003 Rex Grossman Gators Ha Ha god old Rex...led Bears to Super Bowl..LOL
2004 Tommie Harris OU Sooners Pro Bowler but Injuries later...
2005 Cedric Benson Texas..didn't quite develop for Bears..Good Years with Bengals
2006 No Pick
2007 Greg Olsen the "U" Good Tight End and Cutler's Guy now with Panthers
2008 Chris Williams OT Vandy cut this past week by Bears
2009-2010 No 1st Round Picks...
2011 Gabe Carimi Wisconsin Injured Knee Rookie Year looks the Part slowly though...
Look Bears Fans it's all about That Defense and Free Agency and lucky for the Bears now they have collectively used all Angles to build a Roster that is capable of a Super Bowl 47 Run.
As for Williams and Colangelo they will live forever in Bears' Lore and for the most part looked at in a Negative Way for Good Reasons.
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